MySqlBridge class

An implementation of Korzh.DbUtils.BaseDbBridge for MySQL Implements the Korzh.DbUtils.BaseDbBridge

public class Korzh.DbUtils.MySql.MySqlBridge
    : BaseDbBridge, IDbReader, IDbBridge, IDbWriter


Type Name Description
String Quote1 Gets the opening quote for SQL identifirs (table/field names, etc).
String Quote2 Gets the closing quote for SQL identifirs (table/field names, etc).


Type Name Description
void AddParameters(IDbCommand command, IDataRecord record) Adds the parameters to the DB command object.
DbConnection CreateConnection(String connectionString) Creates the connection.
void ExtractDatasetList(IList<DatasetInfo> datasets) Extracts the list of tables for the current DB and saves them to datasets list passed in the parameter.
void TurnOffAutoIncrement() Sends an SQL command which turns off the possibility to set values for IDENTITY (auto-increment) columns for the current table. Must be implemented in derived classes.
void TurnOffConstraints() Sends an SQL command which turns off the constraints for the current table. Must be implemented in derived classes.
void TurnOnAutoIncrement() Sends an SQL command which turns on the possibility to set values for IDENTITY (auto-increment) columns for the current table. Must be implemented in derived classes.
void TurnOnConstraints() Sends an SQL command which turns the constraints on for the current table. Must be implemented in derived classes.