Korzh.DbUtils namespace

BaseDbBridge class

A default abstract implementation of the main DB related intefaces [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbReader](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbreader-interface) and [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbWriter](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbwriter-interface)

ColumnInfo class

Represents one column in database table.

DataImportExtensions class

Contains some useful extension methods for registering data importers in [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbUtilsOptions](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbutilsoptions-interface) .

DataPackingException class

Represents errors that occur during packing/unpacking operations. Implements the `System.Exception`

DataPackingExtensions class

Contains some useful extension methods for registering data packers/unpackers in [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbUtilsOptions](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbutilsoptions-interface) .

DataRecord class

Represents one record in a dataset. Implements the `System.Data.IDataRecord`

DatasetImporterException class

Represents errors that occur during dataset importing operations. Implements the `System.Exception`

DatasetInfo class

Represents one dataset (table) in some DB

DbBridgeException class

Represents errors that occur during database operations. Implements the `System.Exception`

DbInitializer class

Represents the database initializer. An object of this class can seeds the DB with the data with the help of provided dataset importer and unpacker

DbInitializerOptions class

Represents different options for DbInitializer class Implements the [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbUtilsOptions](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbutilsoptions-interface)

IDataPacker interface

Defines basic data packing operations

IDatasetExporter interface

Defines methods and properties for a dataset importer

IDatasetImporter interface

Defines the interface for a dataset importer. Each implementation of this interface "understands" a particular data format (XML, JSON, CSV, etc)

IDataUnpacker interface

Defines funvtions for data unpacking operations

IDbBridge interface

Defines the basic database operations

IDbReader interface

Defines reading database operations Implements the [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbBridge](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbbridge-interface)

IDbUtilsOptions interface

Defines different options which can be used for initialization of other library objects

IDbWriter interface

Defines the operations for seeding data to some database table Implements the [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbBridge](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbbridge-interface)

MySqlDbUtilsOptionsExtensions class

Static class with extensions for registering MySqlBridge as DB reader and DB writer in [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbUtilsOptions](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbutilsoptions-interface)

SqlServerDbUtilsOptionsExtensions class

Static class with extensions for registering SqlServerBridge as DB reader and DB writer in [Korzh.DbUtils.IDbUtilsOptions](api-reference/korzh-dbutils-namespace/idbutilsoptions-interface)