
Korzh.DbUtils library - a set of classes and packages for different manipulations with database data (export, import and data seeding)

The libary contsists for several packages which implements some basic database operations:

  • Korzh.DbUtils
    Defines basic abstractions and interfaces like IDatasetExporter, IDatasetImporter, IDataPacker, IDbBridge

  • Korzh.DbUtils.Import
    Contains implementations or IDatasetImporter interface for XML and JSON formats. Additionally it contains DbInitializer class which can be used for data seeding in your projects.

  • Korzh.DbUtils.Export
    Contains implementations of IDatasetExporter for XML and JSON.

  • Korzh.DbUtils.SqlServer
    Implements DB manipulation interfaces (IDbBridge, IDbReader, IDbSeeder) for MS SQL Server connections.

  • Korzh.DbUtils.MySQL
    Implements DB manipulation interfaces for MySQL connections.